Discussions about the e-smoking

The new product designed to help a beneficiary to break free from nicotine addiction quickly attracted attention. It’s good and it’s negative. For a long time, it can be seen slowly creating a conflict regarding the product e-cigarette. This applies to the alleged lack of a negative impact on health and use. Who is right and for which the government has not yet entered any regulation?


The advantages:
Electronic cigarette attracts customers and new fans thanks to its already well-known effectiveness, as well as a fashionable appearance. Studies have shown that up to 60% of users of e-cigarette device finally ended with smoking. And after some time, also had no longer use the e-cigarette. This is all thanks to the possibility of adjusting the amount of nicotine in the e-liquid (fluid comprising glycerin, propylene glycol and nicotine), depending on demand. Finally, you can now use the same “kindergarten” providing for the lack of need for a nicotine by the body. In addition to the practical functions of the electronic cigarette is famous as a new, unique gadżet- so. must have. You can buy a set of fancy colors, shapes and buy more to him, stickers, lanyards and cases. E-cigarette can become us.

Guilty? Many voices claim that soon we will see the true face of e-smoking. However, it will be too late to do something. Opponents of the e-cigarette devices do not believe in the health benefits and the absence of substances harmful to the body. Do not agree to use it in public places and indignant at the sight of minors to the device e-cigarette in hand. They are trying to influence the government and force it in the end to take any decision, because so far opted not to take sides. Electronic cigarette is a big unknown, but is in fact a bomb or release from addiction?


Although Ireland has not yet established an action plan and initial adjustment, other countries have any, they have. Denmark has decided to introduce e-liquids prescription. E-cig itself is public, but only contribution you can get at the pharmacy. The Netherlands banned the advertising of these devices, but the sale is possible. Brazil, Australia and Hong Kong introduced a categorical ban on the possession and use of e-cigarette products, and the United Kingdom and the United States authorized the use of the device at will desire. In which direction will return to Ireland? Approve their existence is thrown out of circulation? The answer will be announced soon.

Electronic Cigarette – How it works

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